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February 27, 2010 5:21 am  #1

Wanted Andorra Flag

trueuntil wrote:

Hi everyone,

Would like the following country flags that start with A:

Atigua and Barbuda
Netherland Antilles
Ant Artica
America Samoa

I'm from the United States and trying to obtain flags from all over the world.  If you kindly visit me at
http://www.glitter-graphics.com/users/trueuntil and let me know, I will visit you  and also leave my flag on your counter.


Thanks in advance to everyone.

Just went to your site(s) now you have +1USA.
Please don't forget to visit me at http://s11.flagcounter.com/more/5ZON

February 27, 2010 2:28 pm  #2

Re: Wanted Andorra Flag

Visited from France, I know someone from Andorre, will kindly ask her to visit you but can't guarantee it...

Here's the way to my website : http://creationsdelea.over-blog.com/

February 27, 2010 2:40 pm  #3

Re: Wanted Andorra Flag

Hi Lea;
I visited your blog. looks very nice, although my daughter is 21 years old. But the grand child will come sometimes.
I highly appreciate if you could ask your Andorra contacts to visit my website too. Even if you can't guarantee....

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February 27, 2010 3:10 pm  #4

Re: Wanted Andorra Flag

Lea wrote:

Visited from France, I know someone from Andorre, will kindly ask her to visit you but can't guarantee it...

Gave you swedish flag nr. 2, Andorra flag would be great if you can fix


February 27, 2010 6:15 pm  #5

Re: Wanted Andorra Flag

Visited all of you!
Andorra? Oh yes! For me too???

Please visit: www.doublechevron.de

February 27, 2010 6:27 pm  #6

Re: Wanted Andorra Flag

Even though I'm not from any of the countries you listed I still visited cuz USA is awesome and who wouldn't want another USA flag right?


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